Conference proceedings
- Conference proceedings: „clickable“ PDF file, 15 MB, resolution 600 dpi; ISBN 978-80-244-4726-1 (online version).
Format and templates
The papers can be prepared either in TeX/LaTeX format or in MS Word/OpenDocument Text (doc, docx/odt) formats and in English language. The Word or LaTeX templates are derived from EPJ Web of Conferences. The paper should be built in double column format with A4 paper size (it is not so important if you use Letter or A4 format, but A4 is preferred).
- MS Word template: epjconf_2col.doc
- LaTeX template (it is also possible to use RevTeX, if you prefer):
- document class: webofc.cls
- document example: template.tex
- document example in pdf format: template.pdf
- figures used in the template example (pdf format for pdfLaTeX):
The page limits for the manuscripts are:
- maximum 6 pages (A4 size) for invited contributions;
- maximum 2 pages (A4 size) for posters and other contributions.
In exceptional cases, if you feel that you really need to submit more pages, please contact the organisers.
Please, preferably use standard fonts and macros and standard picture formats (jpg, png, tiff, pdf, eps). If really necessary and inevitable, enclose your macros and fonts into the submission, we will try to use them. Also, include pictures into the appropriate place in the text, not at the end of the document.
The preferred paper size for the posters is ISO A1 (594×841 mm).